Gogi Clove Water Kefir Soda Recipe
Soothe your stomach with this digestive powerhouse. An organic formula to ease bloating and aid digestion.
2 heaping tbsps of Gogi Clove
4 cups of first ferment
Make the first ferment and leave the jar in a warm place for 24-48 hours.
Add Gogi Clove ingredients into a sanitized swivel top jar using a funnel.
Strain grains, and add the first ferment to the bottle. Leaving 1inch headspace from the lid.
Seal, and gently shake the bottle upside down a few times to ensure the infusion ingredients are well mixed.
Leave the bottle in a warm place for 24 hours for the second ferment.
Refrigerate until well chilled.
Use a strainer to remove herbs while serving.
Open slowly, and enjoy!