Fresh Strawberry Water Kefir Smoothie Recipe

Fresh Strawberry Water Kefir Smoothie Recipe

What could be better than waking up to a fresh strawberry smoothie? This classic, simple recipe is a reminder that good food doesn’t have to be complicated.


MAKES: 1 servings


3/4 cups first ferment water kefir

1 cup fresh strawberries, sub. frozen

1 banana

1/4 tsp vanilla

3/4 c coconut or milk yogurt

1 tsp honey, adjust to your taste

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tsp chia seeds

ice (optional)


  • Make the first ferment and leave the jar in a warm place for 24-48 hours.
  • Place all ingredients into a blender and blend on high speed until smooth
  • Pour into a tall glass and enjoy immediately.


Adjust honey depending on the sweetness of the strawberries. If they’re really ripe and sweet, you may not need honey at all.

Hemp and chia seeds are optional, but both a good sources of nutrition.

Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C and K and are one of the top 20 antioxidant foods.

Fermented coconut yogurt and fermented nut milk are great options to add to your smoothies.

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