How Much Water Kefir Should I Drink In A Day? - Happy Gut Pro

How Much Water Kefir Should I Drink In A Day?

Water kefir is a fermented beverage, full of probiotics and other healthy ingredients. It contains live bacteria and yeasts which affect your gut flora significantly. This is the reason you should be mindful when you integrate water kefir or any fermented foods into your diet.

Start out by introducing water kefir slowly. Only 1/2 cup per day and increase gradually. You will probably feel the effects of it quickly if you don’t eat or drink fermented foods on a regular basis. It depends on how sensitive you are and what your nutrition is like. The reaction is typically a loose stool. What is happening is that the bad bacteria is being flushed out of your body and new good bacteria is being repopulated. Sometimes it takes a good 2 weeks before your stool is normal again.


Once your gut is repopulated with good bacteria, you will not feel the uncomfortable symptoms anymore. You will begin to notice more energy, clearer skin and increased immunity. Go ahead and drink as much as you would like. The road to good health is paved with good gut health!

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