Hola! Coconut Tequila Water Kefir Cocktail - Happy Gut Pro

Hola! Coconut Tequila Water Kefir Cocktail

Simple and stunning, this blue spirulina cocktail is sure to take you back to the Caribbean, sun and ocean. Enjoy!

Hola! Coconut Tequila Cocktail


1 serving


1 oz. coconut tequila (or coconut white rum)

1/8 scant tsp. spirulina powder

Coconut water kefir (or a second ferment made with tropical fruit juice*)

Shredded coconut 


  • In a cocktail glass, dissolve spirulina (it’s powerful!) with coconut tequila.
  • Add ice cubes and top with water kefir to your taste.
  • Stir gently and sprinkle with coconut shavings. 
  • Serve immediately.


You can make this cocktail as strong as you like. Pick a cocktail glass that suits the volume of water kefir that you’re adding.

We use Organic Matters Spirulina Tablets.  

* An alternate: we love this cocktail with a second ferment water kefir made with Bolthouse C-Boost juice, mango/cherry/pear blend, instead of coconut water kefir.

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