Maple Blueberry Water Kefir Soda - Happy Gut Pro

Maple Blueberry Water Kefir Soda

Comforting flavours of rich maple syrup and tart blueberries make for breakfast classic in soda form.


  • 1/4 cup of frozen or fresh blueberries, thawed and mashed with a fork.
  • 1 tbsp pure maple syrup, preferably grade A
  • 4 cups of first ferment


Make the first ferment and leave the jar in a warm place for 24-48 hours.

Add maple syrup and thawed blueberries into a swivel top jar using a funnel. You may have to use a toothpick or skewer to push the blueberries in.

Strain grains, and add the first ferment to the bottle with the blueberries and syrup.

Seal the bottle, and gently tip upside down 2 or 3 times to ensure maple syrup is well mixed.

Leave the bottle in a warm place for 24 hours for the second ferment.

Refrigerate until well chilled.

Open slowly, and enjoy!


“Burp” the bottle every 12 hours during the second ferment to avoid an overflow.

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